BotanicaLand1 - China - Munchausen by Proxy - Borned Behavior - Communication Block - Brainfluid - Learned Behavior - Baby - Family - Work - SP -NOS - Student
China has collapsed.
Technology not maintained / repaired
due to Overload Learned Behavior in Individuals.
The People of China live in a Social Climate that has been hidden from the Rest of the World.
During past year, more video's with Real Lifetime experiences appear on Social Media.
Technology is 'managed & generated by about 700 milion camera's in the community'.
AI robots make the Internet Collapse.
Total Control Economy fails, now Young Generation refuses to be slaves ; they sabotage the Government in Every possible way.
🕴🕴🕴🕴National Parliament is not strong enough to stop the People's Behavior.
What really takes place in the Brain of the People ?
What is the Psychology flow?
China has been turned into a Testcase for the 1 World government , by United Nations and all units ...connected to UN.
The People were in a Fragile state of mind - poor - in the 60-ties ...after WorldwarII.
China needed Investors; Bankers arrived with Conditions that result in the Collapsing Economy year 2024.
In those days is Worldwar3 designed.
Conducted by China too, with Covid Bioweapons - Lockdowns - No Cash money anymore - Social Credit system - Punishment for Behavior trics and Camera's / Microphones everywhere +++.
The Leaders of China ... where Victims of Munschausen by Proxy themselves... in those days.
Yes Reader , you are entitled to be Angry.
Leaders have access to plenty of resources, like money - mobility - products - people.
Yes, you are personally entitled to a better Quality of Life, in balance between Borned and Learned behavior... in the Healing Clloud; on Earth and in Space.
So What caused them to stay in their 'Bad Decisionmaking System'?
Basically: 🚼Baby ( in the Adult ) has never learned to grow, from largely Intuïtion.
Borned behavior is minimalized in the Innerlight in the Brainfluid.
Where it is stored savely; far away from Nasty Situations and People who hurt Baby when he or she cries out - protests - learns - grows into the future.
Evolution of Own Merits 'turns into a well kept hidden secret inside the Child'.
Children please their caretakes, as long as they don't comprehend 'that there is more to Life in Evolution than they have experienced, so fat'.
For Munschausen by Proxy victims the Lockin Syndrome = normal life.
They have learned 'to shut themselves down ..for the sake of survival' ; they sympatize with the Criminal who breaks down their Intuïtion... seeying the dispear in the Adult.
Intelligent Babies 'feel the Circle of Life during the Expedition'.
🤖📲And, by ICT... that was suppose to bring the Perfect Happiness / Death.
Past decades , both the Adults and their Offspring were 'exploited' while being Fragile.
Children were educated 'to be clever and fragile'.
To do well at University, so they can 'do all the things the Older Adults only dreamt of'.
All Young people in High education , are 'Suppose to Live a Life in the Best Evolution possible'.
But... Bankers with Munchausen by Proxy ...
and working from mainly Learned Behavior only.. have always had other plans:
They want to Heal their personal WWII trauma's.
They want slaves... so they are in Control over All there is.
They have fueled their InnerLight with more Violence past decades for Shortcut out of Hel.
Bankers have developed that Calimero Syndrome, too .
'They are big and I am small; this is dishonest and I need to fix this'.
But all goes wrong, now Bankers have always been in Lockedin Syndrome. too.
High educated Young Generation year 2024 , can't make use of the Good Future Economy, for the Evolution of Knowledge into Beautiful Lifestyles & Products.
Young people - who went through University are now Over educated -... and finish in a job 'that hardly requires any education at all'.
Persons with no or low-education work in Simple jobs... under Slave conditions.
Exhausted. Anger is pilling up.
Indifference towards Evolution of Own Merits, too.
The InnerLight can not picture an Inner Horizon, anymore.
Mankind needs to Look behind 'the Self' and must find Humans who are Good to Them and pull them into a Better Quality of Evolution.
All emotions arrive and are Out of Program.
People want Change, but they can't TALK about It.
Language Skills and the ability to construct Communication models or needed Standard Talks... are minimalized ICT.
And by EQ flow in the Particle Cloud.
God / 🌌Spaceforces are still present in the Human Excistence.
Slaves feel the Universe , too.
The Body - Particle Cloud - Daily reality in Demolition in the Community are all present;
an awfull lot in Chaos.
Borned Behavior Intuïtion is to be experienced in the Human body in balans with Learned Behavior.
Intuïtion is the Survival system, that makes you stay Calm - Run - Fight - Stay alive.
Mankind in China is severly damaged in the Borned Behavior Language Unit in the Brainfluid.
Persons are intelligent and do want to communicate.
They want to talk but don't know HOW to start to find words or make sentences anymore.
A part of their Innerlight - Inner growth - Inner Expedition mode ... = blocked.
Not beyond repair... but the Intuïtion that guides them to the Teacher / Docter who Knows HOW to repair Onces Own Merits for Own Communication... is missing.
All the Good Healing Stimuli are 'missing'.
Thus they start to Neglect themselves - their homes - their Livelihoods.
Evolution of Self-loved is blocked, too.
Mankind in China needs Good Refreshing Rolemodels.
A Rolemodel that Removes the Munschausen by Proxy ... National Government...
This person / group needs to be a Very Good Teacher / Therapist / Parent / Medic ... or Manager.
For Healing a Person who is damaged in the Use of Language... you need a Healer 'who can read the Persons mind.... but not talk about it'.
To read the Body... and to address it... in a way that the Individual in Lockin Syndrome... does not feel attacked / blocked again / addressed wrongly...
is the Art of a Good Psychotherapist ... or Father.... or Mother... or Butterfly.
To read the Body, implicates that the Rolemodel Repair Flow ... is started by a Good -hearted Individual 'who understands HOW to communicate with a Baby... in and Adult way'.
When somebody is Lockedin ... on the Dictionary Platform... you start to read Childrens' books and talk about pictures / stories / situations / good progress / bad situation / problem-solving.
When somebody is Lockedin ... on Violent Platform... you first need to explain the Munschauden by Proxy system... that rules over the Inner growth of the Human body.
Munschausen by Proxy = to make a Fragile person ill ... or kill the human.
For First Aid SKills for self-healing or Heroïsm Communications with the Community.
It is a type of Crime... that saddens All of Us.
Chain reaction:
Adults who block Baby Communication Intuïtion are a Bad rolemodel.
Baby grows into Child... that can not express all feelings well ; can't find words & sentences for the EQ x IQ.
Child looks for Rolemodels on Computer - TV - in Books... but is already in Lockin Syndrome.
Observes the Calimero Syndrome, too. Has not Idea 'what to do with it', until the Slave-maker arrives.
Child places all the Imput in the Inner Light in the Brainfluid, where the Good Knowledge does keep the Kid going... in the Healing mode.
Will this Healing Information Platform in the Brain be strong enough? Time will tell.
Not all Children who are Blocked by Communication in Munschausen by Proxy design, live with Violent Body Language system in the Community.
Not all Children who grow up in a Sadistic Cult / Sket , under the Sadism Rolemodel, turn Evil themselves.
Some become Go betweens & the Managers in the Future start to mentally & bodily torture the fellow human.
They can Heal themselves, now they comprehend HOW to be in the Inner Light for communications with Universe / God.
They can listen with their whole Body to Higher powers that guide and shovel them through.
Not all Children Heal ...
Some Children 'become Extra Silent', now the Inner Light brings them the Best Answers to their Problems... ever.
Some Children 'develop Medical condictions', due to lack of words & senctences to express their needs with.
Some Children 'design Very Complex Converstation Strategies to Survive' ; talk in Riddles - hugh paragraphs - cartoon language - only sing ... enz.
They can't say:
I don't want to repair the Escalator, now you don't take care of My Individual Inner growth'.
I want you to Fall into that Elevator, now you have me Fall into Slavery.
I want your Family to break their legs, now you make my Family ill.
I don't care if you get hurt, because you don't Teach me HOW to defend Myself against Politics.
This is China's First Communication problem.
Recovery of Borned Behavior words & sentences
is the First Healing mode.
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